CV / Resume

A CV or a resume is the first document, based on your presentation you will be called for an interview. Employer is too busy so he just takes 30-40 second glance in to your resume so it should be 1 to 2 pages. It is going to represent you in your absence so take care while preparing.

CV has to describe..

Inform your skills
Inform your achievements
Write your profile based on the job description

CV should be..
Visually clear
Fix appropriate margins
Use Bond sheet for a hard copy
Take Laser print outs
Choose common Fonts
Font size - (Bold & Caps to highlight)
Heading - 14
Body - 12

Writting a CV/ Resume

Name / Cell # / Mail id

Derive from job description

Skills & Abilities
Matching the job

Chronological order (latest first)

Never have these thing on your CV / Resume

Pictures, Clip arts & diagrams
Special characters
Spelling mistakes
Grammatical errors

Order of your CV

Your name
Skills Summary
Educational Qualification
Extra Curricular
(Work Experience if you have)
Your details (details in the next slide)

Covering Letter
Your CV / Resume has to be send with a covering letter or application.
Covering letter consists of..

Your address
Receiver's address
Subject (Applying for a job)
Body (summary of your skills for the job)
Enclosure (Resume)
Closing (Sign & name)

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